Forum Despre Rulote - Comunitatea rulotistilor amatori si cu chef de vorba!

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Sunt Jutta din Germania.În aprilie, voi emigra în vecinătatea Iași.
Vreau să locuiesc în rulote mea. (CABBY 51)
Acolo I (pensionare anticipată) va ajuta într-un adăpost de caini.
Din păcate, eu nu pot vorbi încă de un român (am dureros traduce cu Google)
și nu au absolut nici o idee despre rulote. Dodgy
Dar sper că iuhr mă poate ajuta cu probleme.

vă mulţumesc
Ich hoffe, Google übersetzt so schlecht und umgekehrt.
Wie kommt das von Deutschland nach Iasi?
Was möchten Sie mit den Hunden im Tierheim machen und warum bleiben Sie im Anhänger?
Hast du schon den Trailer und die Hunde?
Just write in English. Or translate in English.  Is a better translation.
You can use GPL (LPG) for burner, refrigerator, stove. Usually at the gas station they have some kind of connection to refill your gas tank
(02-22-2019, 07:34 PM)Cristi A scris: [ -> ]Just write in English. Or translate in English.  Is a better translation.

Thank for the advice, Cristi! Blush
You don't need to quote every message. Just use this button:
In Romania you will find GPL stations that will refill the tank. It is ok, in winter you will have winter gas and in summer - summer gas.

Also, please, can you edit your posts and write in english? The translation is so funny, here it says: Am cumparat deja caravana-dar cunoscuții mei par foarte proști să trăiască în rulotă! - I already buy a camper but my friends are stupid to live in a camper.
Aaaahhh, I've got it! (Hope so... Angel )

@ Cristi: I can't understand anything here. Is there a thread for camping in wintertimes?
No. There is not such a subforum. Close to Iasi there is Florin, who also speak deutch. Maybe he will help you in this matter.

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Hi Georg,
Thank you for answering!

In fact, I wanted to go to friends in Nasaud (BN) where I've already been several times, but that didn't work!
An acquaintance from Iaşi offered to live with him and his family.

I already bought the caravan - but my acquaintance thinks it is stupid to live in a caravan!
At the shelter, I want to help  caring for the dogs. And I'm bringing my own dog.

Yes, Google translations are sometimes awful  Sad - SORRY!


Very good, Cristi!  I'll keep in mind.
@Florin Smolnicki is out colegue that can speak Deutsch (but no English!). And he can help you with your Deutsch problem. He lives in a county near Iasi. 
To spend the winter in a camper/caravan you need a lot of things. You need a proper insulation, so your caravan needs to be a winter caravan. You need a warm place for personal care, shower etc... Because winters in Romania are cold, water will freeze. You need to have water inside the caravan, at warm. An power source will be also in need because solar systems are not enough in winter. 

I think is cheaper to spend the winter in a proper house than in caravan. Spend the Sping-Summer-Fall in caravan and the winter in house!