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Camera de mers inapoi, cu monitor, buna pentru rulota!
Un comentariu, de pe alt site, in engleza:
Camera de mers inapoi, cu monitor, buna pentru rulota!
Un comentariu, de pe alt site, in engleza:
Citat:Great camera and monitor for an unbeatable price. I\'ve fitted the system to my old camper. The problems I encountered were: I didn\'t want to drill at least a 10mm hole through the back of the camper body to get the connectors inside to where the wireless transmitter was going, so I had to cut the connectors off, pass the cable through a 4mm hole and re-solder the cable back together. Very fiddly, but at least there were only 3 wires. I mounted the camera upside down... its designed to fit on the underside of a rear bumper of a car, and not high level looking down. I had to modify the adjustable bracket I made to re mount the camera. Quality. The picture quality is very good and there are superimposed guidelines on the screen with distance marked. Its nice that the display folds flat too. I did make a flat stand for the screen as my dashboard sloped a bit too much. All in all, I\'d buy another... very good system
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Incercati sa ma sunati, daca nu raspund, imi verific mailul cel putin de 3 ori pe zi: oneminute[pe]gmail[punct]com